
The main logic can be found in the service-go-user/domain/login/provider.go file.

The OAuth implementation does not depend on any external providers. It’s built using the library.


The base application includes configurations for two providers: Google and GitHub, plus a Magic Link option.

  • To enable the Google provider, you need to set the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables.
  • To enable the GitHub provider, you need to set the GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET environment variables.

The Magic Link option requires a working email provider. If the log option is chosen for email configuration, the magic link will appear in the application logs.

Getting Secrets


To get the GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET, you need to create a new GitHub App:

  1. Go to GitHub Developer Settings.
  2. Click on “New GitHub App”.
  3. Fill in the GitHub App name, Homepage URL, Callback URL.
  4. Check Request user authorization (OAuth) during installation.
  5. Uncheck Active on Webhook.
  6. Check Any account on Where can this GitHub App be installed?.
  7. Click on “Create GitHub App”.
  8. Click on “Generate a new client secret”.
  9. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.


To get the GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, you need to create a new Google Project:

  1. Go to Google Cloud Console.
  2. Click on “Select a project” and then “New Project”.
  3. Fill in the Project name and click on “Create”.
  4. Go to “APIs & Services” > “OAuth consent screen”.
  5. Fill all the required fields and click on “Save and continue”.
  6. Go to “APIs & Services” > “Credentials”.
  7. Click on “Create credentials” > “OAuth client ID”.
  8. Select “Web application”.
  9. Fill in the Name, Authorized redirect URIs and click on “Create”.
  10. Copy the Client ID and Client Secret.

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