Hero Light

What is GoFast?

The Ultimate Foundation for High-Performance, Scalable Web Applications with the Power of Golang and SvelteKit/Next.js. Backed by a powerful CLI.

This is an opinionated skeleton designed to help you build durable and maintainable applications.

This is not another “template” that includes 90% of the features you will never use.

You will need to code.

What’s included

GoFast is powered by the CLI that will guide you through the configuration:

  • SvelteKit or NextJS
  • HTTP or gRPC
  • OAuth flow without any external provider + Magic Links
  • Payments with webhooks using Stripe (Lemon Squeezy in the way)
  • Emails sending using Postmark, Sengrid, or Resend
  • Files storage using Cloudflare R2, AWS S3, or Google Cloud Storage
  • Grafana Loki + Prometheus
  • Full setup with Docker and Docker Compose + GitHub Actions for linting and testing


  • We believe that combining a robust backend language with a powerful frontend framework is the way to go.
  • The backbone of the app is Go, which handles all the important logic. Why Go?
    • Go is a simple language with exceptional performance.
    • Due to Go’s straightforward nature, there aren’t countless ways to do things, making code review and consistency much easier.
    • One of its undervalued strengths is its ease of introduction to new programmers.
    • Go has an amazing set of native libraries.
    • Errors as values are amazing.
  • We primarily use Dependency Injection and the Strategy Pattern, keeping abstractions to a minimum. Always go for simplicity.
  • For the frontend, we advocate for SvelteKit, but we also recognize the value and popularity of Next.js. In both cases, we keep up with the newest versions and follow proposed approaches (SSR, Form Actions, Server Actions).
  • Minimize external dependencies: This enhances code maintainability and simplifies long-term changes. It’s the way to go. It will make your life simpler. In fact our dependencies are so few that we will just list them:
    • Library for gRPC implementation
    • Library for logging
    • Library for JWT
    • Database drivers
    • OAuth library
    • Files provider libraries
    • Payments provider libraries
    • TailwindCSS

Let’s get started

Start using GoFast in just few clicks, use the GoFast CLI that will guide you through the configuration.


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