
This choice must be made using the GoFast CLI. Possible options are Grafana + Loki + Prometheus Monitoring and None.


Install Dependencies

docker plugin install grafana/loki-docker-driver:latest --alias loki --grant-all-permissions

Start the Grafana

cd grafana
docker compose up -d

Access Grafana


Username: admin Password: admin

Add Loki Data Source

  1. Go to Configuration -> Data Sources.
  2. Click on Add data source.
  3. Select Loki as the type.
  4. Set the URL to http://loki:3100.
  5. Click on Save & Test.

Add Prometheus Data Source

  1. Make sure that the main GoFast stack is running.
  2. Go to Configuration -> Data Sources.
  3. Click on Add data source.
  4. Select Prometheus as the type.
  5. Set the URL to http://host.docker.internal:9090.
  6. Click on Save & Test.

Import dashboards

  1. Go to Dashboards -> New -> Import.
  2. Enter the Dashboard ID and click on Load.
  3. Select the Prometheus data source and click on Import.
  4. Optionally, you can checkout more dashboards at

Add Loki logs

  1. Go to Explore -> Logs.
  2. Select the Loki data source.
  3. Click on Select label and choose container_name.
  4. Click on Select value and choose your container.
  5. Click on Run query.
  6. Optionally, you can add the logs to a dashboard by clicking on Add to dashboard.

Create alerts

In progress…

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